Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Two years later...

Here we are, two years after Katrina and my beloved New Orleans is still a mess... I have not been there since the storm but everything I have read thus far points to the fact that the city has been pretty much thrown under the bus. No members of the government are running to the rescue, the presidential candidates are avoiding it like the plague. People love to use it as a bitching point against the current administration (myself included), but the truth is that as much as everyone bitches about it, no real progress has been made.

I get pissed every time I think about it or see pictures of what is one of the most unique and historical cities in this country just rotting away to shit.

Blame whoever you want, I think that as a whole, as a country, we just kind of super-suck.

At least gas prices are down, SUV's are more affordable, and Starbucks is doing just fine selling $5 cups of coffee.

Makes me proud...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You suck...